The first panel shows The Boss talking to who appears to be Kevin, only identifiable by the shape of his head from behind. The Boss is dressed in more casual clothes than the usual, wearing a T-shirt instead of a suit. He asks: “Are you two enjoying our post-Christmas Casual Friday?”

The second panel reveals Kevin the cat and Moe the mole, both dressed in casual clothes too. Kevin wears a polo shirt, and Moe a button-up shirt with short sleeves. It is not shown what the coworkers are wearing from the waist down. Kevin has a expression of annoyance or indignation on his face, as he says: “I feel like I am being SHUNNED for COMPLETELY NORMAL choice of clothing.”

In the third and last panel, Kevin's face turns away from the other two, as his expression turns into disgust. His ears flatten, and he complains, as if paraphrasing someone: “Pfft. Khaki pants are out of style...” Moe quickly replies to this, while looking at Kevin: “Whoa... I never said THAT.”